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Star Wars & CTR Scavenger Hunt

20171007_174854This last year, I helped my husband put together a Star Wars event for our church.  We had games for the kids, dinner, and a show.  One of the games was a scavenger hunt that I wrote.  I wrote two tracks of questions: harder Star Wars questions for the older kids, and easy CTR (choose the right) questions for the littles.  (You can totally use these for your own event, too!  If you do, tell me about it in the comments!)

Here are the questions:

1. Luke Skywalker was raised on what planet?

a. Naboo (go to TIE fighter)
b. Tatooine (go to lightsabers)
c. Coruscant (go to Wookie)

1. What does CTR stand for?

a. Choose to Read (go to room 10)
b. Choose the Right (go to room 2)
c. Chew the Rice (go to room 12)

2. What were Luke and his uncle farming?

a. Moisture (go to Boba Fett)
b. Wheat (go to Stormtrooper)
c. Sand (go to X-Wing)

2. Who is the prophet of the church?

a. Thomas S. Monson (go to room 5) (now it’s Russel M. Nelson!)
b. Dieter F. Uchtdorf (go to room 6)
c. Henry B. Eyring (go to room 8)

3. What color was Obi Wan Kenobi’s first lightsaber?

a. Yellow (go to R2-D2)
b. Blue (go to rebel symbol)
c. Green (go to empire symbol)

3. Your mom asked you to help do the dishes. What should you do?

a. Scream (go to room room 11)
b. Say you’ll do it later (go to room 2)
c. Help with the dishes (go to room 3)

4. Who was Obi Wan Kenobi’s master?

a. Qui Gon Jinn (go to BB-8)
b. Mace Windu (go to Yoda)
c. Yoda (go to Stormtrooper)

4. What did the Lord command Nephi to do?

a. Build a boat (go to room 1)
b. Build a tower (go to room 10)
c. Be nice to his brothers (go to room 9)

5. What species is Darth Maul?

a. Twi’lek (go to lightsabers)
b. Cathar (go to X-Wing)
c. Zabrak (go to Darth Vader)

5. How old do you have to be to get baptized?

a. 9 (go to room 4)
b. 7 (go to room 3)
c. 8 (go to room 7)

6. Who designed the Death Star?

a. Galen Erso (go to the gym)
b. Orson Krennic (go to the drinking fountain)
c. Grand Moff Tarkin (go the lobby)

6. How do we keep the Sabbath holy?

a. Go to church (go to the gym)
b. Go shopping (go to the lobby)
c. Go to the movies (go to the drinking fountain)

Answer key:

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A

And at the end, kids earned a piece of candy.


What do you think about it?